Counselling & guidance

Counselling is available to all Curtin Singapore students. It is a voluntary and confidential avenue for students to discuss issues of concern that may not be easily communicated with family or friends.
Students may seek advice on personal and cross-cultural issues, study and learning strategies, stress management techniques and other non-academic matters.
The counselling service is available by appointment every Tuesday and Thursday from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm or Wednesday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (except during term breaks and on public holidays).

Alternatively, students may also email to to request for an appointment or visit Student Connect for assistance. Student Connect is open from Mondays to Fridays from 8.30am to 6.00pm.
Curtin Access Plan
A Curtin Access Plan (CAP) is a document that outlines the reasonable adjustments recommended for a student with a disability/medical condition to enable equitable access to their studies and assessments.
Our counsellor will negotiate the content of the CAP with you and it will only contain information that you agree to release. It can include information about your disability/medical condition if you wish to disclose this information.
A CAP has an end date after which it is not valid. This date is determined by the counsellor depending on a number of factors. In some cases it is valid for the duration of your course.
It’s your responsibility to ensure that your unit coordinators have a copy of your CAP each study period.
You may also lodge a copy with the Director of Academic Services, Curtin Singapore. This will help to ensure that any agreed adjustments can be implemented effectively at the campus.